The Complete List of ASR Reports
ASR includes a wide set of reports available for the data stored and
maintained by ASR. Reports are generated on-demand and are presented in
the form of PDF or XLS (Microsoft Excel) files.
Reports are arranged in the context of the currently active ASR screen.
The reports are available for the following screens:
The Customers Screen Reports
Report: Customer Details.
This report displays pertinent customer
information about the customer. The report is available for one or several
customers selected by the user.
- Customers: a list of customers
to be selected. The report will contain information for each customer
selected in the list.
- Report Title: optional
title of the report. Default is "Customer Details Report".
- Report period From and To:
period for which to print Tasks Assignments for the selected customers.
- Show Sensitive Fields:
If selected the report will contain sensitive fields about the customer
such as Review Dates, Gender, Sex,
Date of Birth, Age (all optional)
- Print Tasks Assignments:
if selected, the report will contain the Tasks Assignments for the
customers. Sub-criteria: Print
Visit Tasks, Print Closed Visits (optional).
- Print Communication Log:
if selected, the report will contain the Communication Log records
for the customers for the given date range.
- Print Supervisory Reviews:
if selected, the report will contain the Supervisory Reviews for the
selected customers for a given date range. Sub-criteria: Print Supervisory Reviews Analysis, Print
Supervisory Reviews Analysis Only (optional).
- Print Medical Reviews:
if selected, the report will contain the Medical Reviews for the selected
customers for a given date range.
- Print File Audit:
if selected, the report will contain the File Audit records for the
selected customers.
- Print Task Sheet Billing Reviews:
if selected, the report will contain the Task Sheet Billing Reviews
records for the selected customers.
- Print Client Form: if
selected, the report will contain the standard Client Form for the
selected customers. Sub-criteria: Print
Medical Status, Print Priority Section.
Report: Assignment Task
Sheet - Supervisor.
Assignment Task Sheet Supervisor Report form used during supervisory
- Customers: a list of customers
to be selected. The report will contain information for each customer
selected in the list.
- Applicable Services: list
of "root" Tasks defined in ASR that are applicable for this
particular customer/supervisory visit.
- Report Title: optional
title of the report. Default is "Assignment Task Sheet - Supervisor".
Report: Task Sheet.
Generates Task Sheet(s)
for a customer visit.
- Visit Date From and To: date range for which generate the Task
- Customers: a list of customers
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each customer selected in the list.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Hide Scheduled Check In/Out:
- Filter By Service Type:
optional list of service types for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Filter By Program: optional
list of programs for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Order By Customer: optional.
Default report ordering is by date.
- Show Payable Hours: optional.
Report: Supervisory Review Form.
Prints standard supervisory review form used during customer reviews.
- Customers: a list of customers
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each customer selected in the list.
- Review Date: date of the
- Review Type: Visit or
- Review Period: 2, 4, 6,
or 12 Months
- Supervisor: name of the
- Report Title: optional
title of the report. Default is "Supervisory Review Form".
- Print Customer Medical Details
Fields: optional
- Show Most Recent Care Plan Always:
Report: Customer Task Sheets Billing Reviews.
Prints all Customer
Task Sheets Billing Reviews for a given period.
Period Date From and To: reviewed
period for which to generate the report
Date From and To: date of when the
reviews where done which to generate the report
Reviews with Observations Only: optional
Customer's Last Name First. Default
is first name then last name.
Records with Observations First: optional
Report: Blank Task Sheet.
Prints a blank Task
Sheet for unspecified Service Visits.
- Applicable Services: list
of "root" Tasks defined in ASR that are applicable for this
particular customer/supervisory visit.
- Hide Scheduled Check In/Out:
Report: Release Form.
Prints a Client Release
Report: Customer Service Visits
Print details and analysis of service visits made for one or more Customers.
The report shows scheduled and actual visit times and can be used for
billing and payroll needs.
- Customers: a list
of customers for which to generate the report. The report will contain
information for each customer selected in the list.
- Date From and To: date
range for which to print the visits.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Filter By Service Type:
optional list of service types for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Filter By Program: optional
list of programs for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Show Scheduled Visits:
show visits scheduled times.
- Show Actual Visits: show
times when the visits actually took place. Sub-criteria: Show
Amounts Earned, Show Check-in/out phone numbers, Show Receivables.
- Show Totals: show total
summary (of hours, earnings, etc.) for each customer/employee.
- Group By Employee: group
the visits by employee
- Show Customer Header Details:
- Show Visits Analysis:
print a block of statistical analysis for each customer/employee group
on the report. Sub-criteria: Show
Total Analysis.
- Show Randomly Selected Visits:
- Show Visits Tasks Summary:
- Market Late and Missed Visits:
print the late and missed visits in red ink.
Report: Billing Summary
Prints completed Service
Visits for purposes of billing. Grouped by Program and Service Type
- Customers: a list
of customers for which to generate the report. The report will contain
information for each customer selected in the list.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Report Date From and To:
date range for which to print the visits.
- Group By Program Type:
- Group By Service Type:
- Show Employee Name: optional
Report: Clients Review Summary
Prints Clients Review
Summary. This report contains a listing of all customers with essential
demographic information, addresses, phone numbers, case worker, emergency
contact, current care plan, client review dates, most recent communication
log entries, suspension and program information.
- Generate Report For Supervisors:
a list of supervisors for which to generate the report. The report
will contain information for each supervisor selected in the list.
- Group By Supervisor: optional
- Hide Suspended Clients:
- Show Inactive Clients:
- Filter By Program: optional
list of programs for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Filter By Payer Source:
optional list of payer sources for which to generate the Task Sheets.
Report: Incident Report
Prints all recorded
incidents for a time frame.
- Date From and To: date
range for which to print the incidents.
Report: Billable Service Visits Report
Print Service Visits
for purposes of billing
- Customers: a list
of customers for which to generate the report. The report will contain
information for each customer selected in the list.
- Show Last Name First:
- Date From and To: date
range for which to print the visits.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Filter By Program: optional
list of programs for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Filter By Payer Source:
optional list of payer sources for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Show Scheduled Visits:
show visits scheduled times.
- Show Actual Visits: show
times when the visits actually took place. Sub-criteria: Show
Amounts Earned, Show Check-in/out phone numbers, Show Receivables.
- Group By Employee: group
the visits by employee
- Show Customer Header Details:
- Filter By Service Type:
optional list of service types for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Market Late and Missed Visits:
print the late and missed visits in red ink.
Complaints Report
Prints all recorded
complaints for a time frame.
- Date From and To: date
range for which to print the complaints.
Report: File Audit Findings Report
Prints all File Audit
Findings for a given date range.
- Customers: a list
of customers for which to generate the report. The report will contain
information for each customer selected in the list.
- Date From and To: date
range for which to print the complaints.
- Print Unresolved Findings Only:
Report: Supervisory Visit Reports Bundle
The Report Includes: Supervisor Review Form, Assignment Task Sheet -
Supervisor, Customer Task Assignment. The criteria are the same as for
the individual reports listed above.
Customers Listing Report
This report lists all Customers optionally filtered by:
- Customer Status
Service Type
The Employees Screen Reports
Employee Service Visits
Print details and analysis of service visits made for one or more Employees.
The report shows scheduled and actual visit times and can be used for
billing and payroll needs.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Date From and To: date
range for which to print the visits.
- Customers: a list
of customers for which to generate the report. The report will contain
information for each customer selected in the list.
- Filter By Service Type:
optional list of service types for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Filter By Program: optional
list of programs for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Show Scheduled Visits:
show visits scheduled times.
- Show Actual Visits: show
times when the visits actually took place. Sub-criteria: Show
Amounts Earned, Show Check-in/out phone numbers, Show Receivables.
- Show Totals: show total
summary (of hours, earnings, etc.) for each customer/employee.
- Group By Client: group
the visits by customers.
- Show Employee Header Details:
- Show Visits Analysis:
print a block of statistical analysis for each customer/employee group
on the report. Sub-criteria: Show
Total Analysis.
- Show Randomly Selected Visits:
- Show Visits Tasks Summary:
- Market Late and Missed Visits:
print the late and missed visits in red ink.
Task Sheet.
Generates Task Sheet(s)
for a customer visit.
- Visit Date From and To: date range for which generate the Task
- Customers: a list of customers
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each customer selected in the list.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Hide Scheduled Check In/Out:
- Filter By Service Type:
optional list of service types for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Filter By Program: optional
list of programs for which to generate the Task Sheets.
- Order By Customer: optional.
Default report ordering is by date.
- Show Payable Hours: optional.
Employee Details.
This report displays pertinent employee
information about the employee. The report is available for one or several
employees selected by the user.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Report Title: optional
title of the report. Default is "Employee Details Report".
- Print Tasks Assignments:
if selected, the report will contain the Tasks Assignments for the
customers. Sub-criteria: Print
Visit Tasks, Print Closed Visits (optional).
- Print Communication Log:
if selected, the report will contain the Communication Log records
for the customers for the given date range.
- Print Salary History:
- Show Sensitive Data Fields:
if checked, includes sensitive information about the employee (e.g.
SSN, DOB, etc.)
- Print Employee File Audit:
Blank Task Sheet.
Prints a blank Task
Sheet for unspecified Service Visits.
- Applicable Services: list
of "root" Tasks defined in ASR that are applicable for this
particular customer/supervisory visit.
- Hide Scheduled Check In/Out:
File Audit Findings Report
Prints all File Audit
Findings for a given date range.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Date From and To: date
range for which to print the complaints.
- Print Unresolved Findings Only:
Payroll Report
Print Company-wide
Payroll based on Service Visits.
- Filter By Service Type:
optional list of service types for which to generate the report.
- Filter By Program: optional
list of programs for which to generate the report.
- Filter By Payer Source:
optional list of payer sources for which to generate the report.
- Filter By Pay Type: print
the report only for Direct Deposit or Check pay types
- Total Line Per Employee Only:
The Tasks Assignments
Screen Reports
Billing Summary
Prints completed Service
Visits for purposes of billing. Grouped by Program and Service Type
- Customers: a list
of customers for which to generate the report. The report will contain
information for each customer selected in the list.
- Employees: a list of employees
for which to generate the report. The report will contain information
for each employee selected in the list.
- Report Date From and To:
date range for which to print the visits.
- Group By Program Type:
- Group By Service Type:
- Show Employee Name: optional