The Employees Screen

The Employees Screen of ASR allows storing and viewing information about the company's employees. Click on the "Employees" button on the Explorer Bar of the Setup section to get to the Employees Screen:




The screen consists of 3 major areas:



The Employees Screen:




The Employees Grid.

All Employees and primary Employee's data is shown in the Employees Grid. Employees can be searched, filtered and grouped in the grid. Creating new Employees, editing Employee Primary data and deletion of Employees also done in the Employees Grid. Please refer to Working With Grids section fro more information on how to use the grid.


Employee Properties and Employee Information show individual Employee's information where the Employee is the currently selected employee in the Employees Grid. For example, in the example above, Employee "Demo Employee" is selected in the Employees grid. All other sections of the screen display data about "Demo Employee".


Each record in the Employee Grid has an optional set of "child" (or sub-) records that allow recording Employee Salary (rate) history and Absence History:



The Employee Properties show the following information (arranged into separate tabs):



The Employee Information show the following information about the Employee (arranged into separate tabs):


When the Employee Screen is active, the new section in the Explorer Bar is displayed:


This area adds more functions to the Employees screen:



The Employees Screen has a set of reports available for the context of reporting information about the employees. The reports are listed in the Complete List of ASR Reports, Employees Screen section.